various gadgets and operating systems
There are quite a few people who consider gadgets to be limited to smartphones. Even though the smartphone is one type of gadget. In order not to be mistaken, here are some types of gadgets that are widely used:
1. Mobile
Mobile is a type of gadget that is most widely used by people today. The development of mobile phones has also undergone very rapid technological changes. The most popular type of mobile phone today is the iphone 12 deals smartphone using an operating system iOS. Besides that, there are still many kinds of gadgets that use other operating systems, for example, Android and Windowsphone.
2.computers and laptops
Computers and laptops are other types of gadgets that are very often used for various purposes, especially for work. This gadget also requires an operating system to run, such as; Windows, Mac, Linux, and more.
3. Tablets and iPads
This type of gadget is a form that is bigger than a cellphone. With a screen size larger than cellphones, tablets, and iPads, it can display a bigger and clearer image so that users are more comfortable when they want to watch, play games, and other activities.
4. Digital Camera
Digital cameras are also still included in the gadget category. The use of a digital camera is to capture an image of an object, both in the form of photos and videos.
5. Headsets / Headphones
Headsets or headphones are gadgets that are often used to hear music more clearly. With the help of this gadget, users can enjoy the sound of music or videos more clearly without having to disturb others.